Monday, January 25, 2010

Ancient Christianity Discussion Group

Love INC's Biblio-tek library, next to the Love INC office, is the site of a new weekly discussion group hosted by a partner church! The discussion group will meet on an on-going basis every Friday, 5:15-6:15 pm, to explore the beliefs, practices and worship of the ancient Christian Church, and how the early Christians' faith and wisdom can impact us today.

Everyone is invited who would like to get to know the ancient Church better.  This on-going event is hosted by St. Anthony Orthodox Church and led by ordained graduates of St. Vladimir Orthodox seminary.  Come and see what early Christianity really looked like!  Drop-in's are welcome.  Call 581-5339 for more info, if desired.

Love INC's Biblio-tek library is available to all full partner churches to reserve and use for small groups, classes and gatherings.  Contact Love INC for details.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Child Abuse Awareness

At a Special Friday Session, Detective Mary Ann Rangitsch will make a presentation at the Evangelical Free Church in Bozeman on Child Abuse Awareness.  The presentation will be held on Friday, Jan. 22, 7-9 pm;  1701 S. 19th Ave. in Bozeman.

Being aware of potential dangers for children is vital in today's society.  Become aware and prepared by attending this session.  Detective Rangitsch deals with child abuse on a daily basis here locally.  She will offer statistics, methods of detection and ways to prevent this hideous and often hidden crime against children.

The session is open to church and ministry staff persons, parents and everyone interested in helping to prevent child abuse.

Money Management Course to Begin

Love INC's money management course, Finding Financial Freedom, is set to begin its winter session on Feb. 2 at 6:30 pm.   The class will meet every Tuesday night for 8-9 weeks.  Each class consists of lecture and instruction by an experienced teacher.  Each student is assigned a mentor who will work one-on-one with the student throughout the course, providing guidance, encouragement, accountability and prayer. 

Finding Financial Freedom is especially designed for Love INC and offers unique opportunities for students and mentors.  Students are required to complete real-life homework.  Attendance each week is required.  Love INC provides support for students during the duration of the class. 

If you or someone you know can benefit from Finding Financial Freedom, please call Love INC at 587-3008.  Registration is required (deadline: Jan. 22).  All potential students will be interviewed; acceptance into the class is not guaranteed.  Space is limited, so don't delay.

If you are interested in mentoring a student, please contact Love INC.  

Partner Churches Plan Theme Packages

Love INC Partner Churches are beginning to work on creating Theme Packages which will be auctioned off at the Plant the Seed Dinner on May 4.

Love INC Church Ministry Coordinators received information about the Theme Packages late last week.  The Ministry Coordinators of each church need lots of creative ideas and help from others in their churches to put together a winning package.  Packages will be judged on an array of criteria to make this not only a fundraiser for Love INC, but a wonderful, friendly competition.  Bozeman Christian Reformed Church was the champion last year.  Who will win in 2010?

A Theme Package is a group of products or services centered upon a common idea or theme.  For example, a bassinet full of baby products.  Or, a gardening package consisting of a wheel barrow, gardening tools, plants and seeds.  What kind of creative ideas are waiting to erupt?  Theme packages can be formed by businesses, too.

Many hands make light work; please join with others in your church to put together a fantastic Theme Package!  Deadline to enter your completed package:  March 31.  Contact Love INC for details.