Monday, January 21, 2013

Executive Director Resigning

Our Executive Director, Nancy VanDyken, recently announced that she is resigning from Gallatin County Love In the Name of Christ.  She will continue serving during the next couple of months to ensure a smooth transition for the ministry as a whole, and to provide training for her successor.

Nancy will be assuming a full-time position with the national and international Love INC Movement as the Director of New Affiliate Development, beginning March 1, 2013.  While her focus will be to build new Love INCs, the primary focus for 2013 will be to build Love INCs in other Montana communities.   This Montana project will serve as a pilot and model for the rest of the nation!  Please encourage your friends in other Montana communities to support creating a Love INC in their area!

Nancy has served as Executive Director of Gallatin County Love INC for more than 11 years. She will remain in the Bozeman area.

Please watch this blog, our Facebook page, and your church's communications for information about the Executive Director position.  The search for a new Executive Director is currently underway; the application deadline in Feb. 28.  Contact the Love INC office for job description, application form and/or information:  loveincoffice @ (no spaces in the email address). 

Matching Fund Thank You!

Many, many thanks to everyone who contribued last month during our 2012 Matching Fund Campaign!  Due to you generosity, we were able to meet the match and have been blessed with needed resources for the beginning of 2013. 

Your gifts inspire us, and call us to again enter a new year committed to being stewardly and responsible to God's people in all that we do.  Love INC works hard to multiply every donation of time, talent and treasure so that it touches more lives in more ways than a simple, direct dollar donation to someone. We receive thank you notes that testify of the gratitude of your neighbors.

While we are still tabulating our statistics for 2012, we do know that thousands of needs were met through the efforts and gifts of volunteers and ministry supporters who know that when our local churches are able to reach out and manifest Christ's love through Love INC connections, lives are changed forever.

Again, thank you all, and we pray God blesses you during this new year!  Please pray for us as God calls us to respond to the great opportunities He provides for us in 2013.