Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Change Your Life Course Announcement

Become an Empowered   Person !

Ø   Want to know how to respond when others try to control you?
Ø   Are you concerned about how others are treating you?
Ø   Do you enjoy life regardless of your circumstances?
Ø   Do you know how to recover from a failure?
Ø   Want to get control of your life?
Ø   Want extra support to do so?
Ø   This course is offered at NO CHARGE to the participant. 

 Empowered people have good self-esteem and are internally motivated!
Course date:  August 13 – October 8, 2013 Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 pm* 

Call Now ~ 577-1296* to inquire or register!
*This phone number is for the Change Your Life program ONLY, for requests call the help line at 587-3008 M-TH 10-2pm.

 Pre-Registration is REQUIRED  ~  Space is limited
 Applications considered in the order in which they are received.
 Registration closes  July 23

*Each class is an hour of instruction and an hour of one-on-one mentoring! Students must be 18 or older.  There is real-life “homework” that will help you become empowered to be the best you can be.  *Mentors are not counselors but simply someone coming alongside.