A potluck picnic for current Love INC volunteers will be held on Aug. 11, 6-8 pm, at the River Rock Community Center (Take Amsterdam Rd. to River Rock Rd. and watch for the sign and balloons). You are considered a current volunteer if you have a Talent Tithe on file or you have served through Love INC in the past twelve months.
This is an opportunity for staff to thank the volunteers who do the work of serving others and who are the Love INC ministry! We will provide hot dogs, brats, buns and condiments, along with tableware and beverages. Tables and chairs are available in the pavilion (so we can have the picnic rain or shine).
Volunteers, please bring your choice of a salad or dessert (or some other type of side dish). Bring lawn chairs and blankets if you desire. Volunteers' families are welcome.
This will be a fun time to eat and meet! See you at the picnic on Tuesday!