Many people express interest in knowing how the dinner went. The attendance, with 61 hosted tables, was the second highest in our 15-year history! The Plant the Seed event as a whole raised more than $50,000 for Love INC. Here is the breakdown (these are rounded, preliminary numbers of gross receipts):
- Table Hosts: $11,600
- Business Sponsorships: $12,000
- Auctions (live and silent): $16,200
- Offering: $14,800
- Total PTS Dinner: $54,600
The funds raised will be used to serve local residents who suffer a variety of needs. During 2010, we will offer a program called "Relational Ministry" to local churches, designed to equip congregations to work with and move people with chronic needs into a new place of wholeness and ability (to move them out of chronic need). Please pray for Love INC as we seek church involvement to build this significant program during the coming year.
Again, many thanks to everyone who has "planted the seed" for Love INC to serve and grow during 2010!