Have you ever wondered how you can serve Christ and help your neighbors? Have you wanted to make a difference in our community? The Love INC phone lines are ringing and you can be the "voice of Christ" to answer a call for help.
If you can answer a phone, take messages and serve two hours per week (or more) in the office, you can have a ministry in a key Love INC position as a phone receptionist -- the front lines of Love INC. All Love INC ministry begins with a phone call. You can serve Christ behind the scenes, surrounded by caring Christians.
Please contact the office today via email: loveincoffice@yahoo.com for information or to volunteer. You will receive training and assistance in the position. Several receptionist shifts are open during each week, which means the phones are ringing with no one to answer them.
A resident of Gallatin County with a need is calling Christians for help and hope. Can you take a shift and answer the phone?
(Note: All Love In the Name of Christ volunteers are practicing Christians who regularly attend a local Christian church and can subscribe to the faith outlined in the Apostles' Creed.)