Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ministry Opportunity: Local "Mission" Work!

Love INC's "Change Your Life" relational ministry program (classes, mentoring, real homework, rewards and more) is helping residents of Gallatin County make improvements in many facets of their lives.

You can be a part of this significant and meaningful ministry!  Right now, we have openings for people to:
  • Set up and/or take down classroom tables and arrange chairs
  • Bring snacks for adults and children
  • Make coffee
These simple tasks are a way for you to give to others in the Name of Christ.  With your help, our teachers can focus on providing excellent instruction, mentors who volunteer their time can focus on the people they are helping, and the Change Your Life participants can fully experience the love of many caring Christians. 

Can you serve Christ behind the scenes once a week (Tuesday evening)?  Call Love INC or email rmloveinc @ (with no spaces in the email address) to discover how you can be a part of compassionate Christian outreach -- an outreach that transforms the lives of your neighbors.

Note: All Love INC volunteers must be members of a local Christian church and agree with the faith expressed by the Apostles' Creed (which includes faith in the Trinity, the two natures of Jesus Christ: fully God and full man, and the bodily Resurrection of Christ).