Several Love INC Church Ministry Coordinators met together recently to discuss and plan their activities for the 2012 Plant the Seed Dinner. CMC Lois Hill (E-Free) invited the group to meet at her church on February 11 for a light brunch and planning. The group had a devotional time and discussion, planned for Plant the Seed Dinner hosts and auction theme packages, and shared ideas and helpful tips with one another.
Many thanks to Lois and E-Free Church for their hospitality!

We're all looking forward to Plant the Seed Dinner which will be held on May 8 at the MSU Strand Union Ballroom.

The dinner will feature incredible Theme Packages created by partner churches (led by their CMCs) as part of an amazing silent auction. Enjoy fellowship with more than 500 Christians from partner churches! Invite your friends - hear the wonderful stories of clients' lives transformed through the new Change Your Life program. Support Love INC - our churches' shared outreach ministry.
Plan now to attend!
Table reservations may be made by emailing loveincoffice @ yahoo.com (no spaces) or calling 587-3008 for information and a reservation package.