Everything Love INC does starts in the office, on the phones, as people call for help. Right now, Love INC needs people to serve in the office. The need for workers is critical. The opportunities for these volunteers are life-changing. The tasks and the time commitments are do-able. The Lord is calling!
GIVE 2 HOURS weekly to serve others! Step forward. Put your faith in action.
Position needed: Receptionists (welcoming voice).
What you will do: Answer the phone, take messages, greet volunteers and church leaders who walk through the front door.
What you will do: Answer the phone, take messages, greet volunteers and church leaders who walk through the front door.
Position needed: Phone workers (listening ear).
What you will do: Speak on the phone with local residents who have needs, guided by a script. Listen with compassion and discernment, fill out appropriate forms and record information.
Position Needed: Phone referral workers (connecting link).
What you will do: Call Christians who have already signed up to serve someone and schedule them to serve a person in need and share Christ’s love.
Position Needed: Office Worker (office heartbeat).
What you will do: Pick a general office task (filing, mailing, sorting, stocking, administrative jobs). Or, update client case files, or do word processing or data entry… what would you like to do?
Find your niche and make a difference! All Love INC ministry starts in the office, and the office urgently needs help. Give just two hours per week, and put your skills into Christ’s service! Training provided.
Don’t delay! Many shifts are vacant! YOU are needed!
Working behind the scenes in the Love INC office is safe and fulfilling. Contact Love INC and put your faith in action! Make a difference! The need for workers is great, and the joy is real!
Email: loveincoffice @ yahoo.com (with no spaces). Or, call 587-3008.
"The harvest is plentiful...." Love INC needs you. Christ needs you.
All Love INC ministry workers are volunteers who must be members or regular attenders of a local Christian church and agree with the faith expressed by the Apostles' Creed (which includes faith in the Trinity, the two natures of Jesus Christ: fully God and fully man, and the virgin birth and bodily Resurrection of Christ).